stay on my way, keep believe that we can do what we believe can do


A new world - Nadya Fatira

  Eh aku mau numpang ngeshare nih, dari 8 OST film Perahu Kertas, ini salah satu lagu yang liriknya asyik banget kalau didengerin. Judul lagunya A new world, yg nyanyi Nadya Fatira. Nih liriknya :
These days are gonna be those days

Which I’ll look back with a happy smile

And a twinkle in my eyes
And life will never be the same
A different life than the one we’ve had
From our simple, fun, fairytales

It’s strange, it’s a new, new world
It’s loud, it’s a hectic world
And I miss my home, I miss myself
And I miss you
And yet, I finally found that love
Inside my soul
And I jump in joy and I sing my heart away

Your face is gonna be that face
That I’ll look back with a loving smile
And a warm glow in my heart
And love will never be the same
A kind of love that I hold so dear
Yet I’m ready to let it go

Will you remember how we are?
Will you stay with me when I try
To be a better one for you?
In this new world…


NFC in a moment

haloooo blogkuu... lama gak ngeposting dan sudah terlihat debu di mana-mana. *sedikit lebay nggak papa dong ya ?" Nggak tau kenapa, tapi hari ini aku lagi pengen spam di blogku sendiri. hehe

Kejadian ini berawal ketika salah satu temenku, yaitu si Mega (@megamegapus) ngechat di whatsapp. Kalian pasti tahu kan whatsapp ? iya whatsapp itu free trial aplikasi chatting selama setahun yang bisa didownload di hp. Kebetulan si Mega ini bikin grup chatting namanya NFC a.k.a Nova Fans Club, isinya ada si Hanik (@hanikrizka), Intan (@intanmegan), mamah Inna (@habibah_inna), Puguh (@puguh182), Tiara (@tiarapinayungan), si Yanri alias si yeye (@yanri_), dan aku alias @maiapp.

Kita ini sekampus, pernah sekelas selama 1 semester, dan gara-gara itu pula kita bisa jadi deket kaya sekarang. Oke kembali ke cerita, pas hari Kamis malam, si Mega tiba-tiba ngechat “yuk keluar yuk, cari makan”, itu sih nggak direncanakan, dan ternyata semua pada bilang oke, kecuali si mamah inna yang udah keburu nyampe rumah. Padahal biasanya aku itu jarang keluar lo, mungkin gara-gara galau beberapa minggu ini *eciee curhat* jadi aku putusin untuk gabung sama mereka. Singkat cerita kita ngumpul di Pom Bensin Sagan, agak lucu ya kita ngumpul disitu, tapi bodo amat sih ya, penting kan ngumpul. Hahahahhaa.


let make my dreams come through :)

19 years-old.
     Yeeaaaah now I’m going to a year older. I shouldnt whining again to the parents. I have to be a wise woman. I can’t to be a child like usual who always complain when there is problem around me.

  1. GOD, who still giving me the opportunity to experience life, and hopefully in the future I’ll be better and make my parents happy. amen.
  2. My mother, who had given birth to me. She always guide me and educate me until I become a woman today.
  3. My dad, who had also educate me with all simplicity that is.  When I was in home, you are always angry to me. But when I wasn’t in home, you are always call me everyday.
  4. My little brother who has a fat body. You are always get angry when fitting the phone, but it’s nothing ‘cause I love you so much :D
  5.  “sweety” who gives me spirit. You call me everyday, just for ask how about this day.  Thanks for everything.
  6. Thank you my families and my friends, success for all of you too.
      Oh yeah, hopefully I will make your wish come through. :D
their little wish
     I am always praying too that I would make my parents happy. And I wish that I will become to a useful person who anyone need, and successful. Amiiiinn 
START FROM NOW, I’m ready for 19 years old, Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim ya Allah